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== Data security ==
== Data security ==
* [[Recuva]]: It's a deleted files recovery software. https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva/builds
* [[Recuva]]: It's a deleted files recovery software. https://www.ccleaner.com/recuva

* [[Eraser]]: It's a secure deletion [[software]]. It makes it difficult to recover deleted files by rewriting random data on some files up to 35 times. You can also use this [[program]] to delete unoccupied space of [[HDD]]. https://sourceforge.net/projects/eraser/

* [[CCleaner]]: It is similar to Eraser. It's too simple, so you can't choose what method for deletion when you delete files. But you can use this [[app]] when [[Eraser]] doesn't work. https://www.ccleaner.com
* [[Eraser]]: It's a secure deletion [[software]]. It makes it difficult to recover deleted files by rewriting random data on some files up to 35 times. You can also use this [[program]] to delete unoccupied space of [[HDD]]. https://eraser.heidi.ie/download/

* [[Darik's Boot and Nuke]] ([[DBAN]]): It's similar to Eraser but its aim is not only one file but whole [[hard disk drive]]. https://sourceforge.net/projects/dban/
* [[CCleaner]]: It is similar to Eraser. It's too simple, so you can't choose what method for deletion when you delete files. But you can use this [[app]] when [[Eraser]] doesn't work. https://www.ccleaner.com/

* [[BleachBit]]: Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster. Better than free, BleachBit is open source. It's designed for Linux and Windows systems. https://www.bleachbit.org/

* [[VeraCrypt]]: [[Eraser]] and [[Darik's Boot and Nuke]] ([[DBAN]]) need time to erase data but usually there is no enough time when the [[police]] got [[search and seizure]] [[warrant]]s. So you should encrypt your computer using an encryption software such as VeraCrypt. When you use [[Windows]], you must encrypt your C: drive also because of [[cash]] and [[temporary file]]s. And you can use [[hidden volume]] if you want to avoid the [[police]]'s threat and torture to reveal the encryption [[password]] from you. https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html
* [[Darik's Boot and Nuke]] ([[DBAN]]): It's similar to Eraser but its aim is not only one file but whole [[hard disk drive]]. https://dban.org/

* [[VeraCrypt]]: [[Eraser]] and [[Darik's Boot and Nuke]] ([[DBAN]]) need time to erase data but usually there is no enough time when the [[police]] got [[search and seizure]] [[warrant]]s. So you should encrypt your computer using an encryption software such as VeraCrypt. When you use [[Windows]], you must encrypt your C: drive also because of [[cash]] and [[temporary file]]s. And you can use [[hidden volume]] if you want to avoid the [[police]]'s threat and torture to reveal the encryption [[password]] from you. https://www.veracrypt.fr/en/Home.html

== Operating systems ==
== Operating systems ==

Latest revision as of 17:55, 14 June 2021

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Security is the degree of resistance to, or protection from, harm. It applies to any vulnerable and valuable asset, such as a person, dwelling, community, nation, or organization. If you want to browse darknet, you should make sure some security measures in your mind.

Security provides a form of protection where a separation is created between the assets and the threat. These separations are generically called controls, and sometimes include changes to the asset or the threat.

Prepare to connect to darknet

Do everything such as downloading CP (child porn) by using Tor. Do not use clearnet like Google Chrome, Telegram, and Wickr.

You can use foreign countries' VPNs for downloading legal porns, and don't use them for CP or drug dealing. Using only Tor is more secure than using Tor with a VPN.

  • Tails - vpn support


  • Combining Tunnels with Tor


If you want to pay to VPN or VPS, you'd better use fake personal information. Even you can use cryptocurrency such as Monero or Bitcoin to pay to VPN or VPS.

  • Generate a Random Name - Fake Name Generator


Use cryptocurrencies. Don't send cryptocurrency directly from your wallet of a cryptocurrency exchange. Firstly, send it to your wallet on your computer, and then do the next procedures.

Monero doesn't need money launderig but laundering is necessary for Bitcoin.


Prepare a laptop before connecting to darknet. When policemen raid your home with search and seizure warrant, a laptop is easier than a desktop to hide or destroy it.

If you buy a laptop made by a cheap brand such as MSI and ASUS and without Windows, you can buy it with only $ 350 dollars. Linux or FreeDOS is free.

If the laptop contains a HDD, withdraw it. And if it doesn't contain an SSD, buy one and install it in your laptop.

You have to divide partitions. I think 120 GB for C drive, 50 GB for D drive, and 10 GB for Linux partition is good, but it depends on your decision.

Operating systems

Firstly, install Windows 10. You'd better use legal copyrighted Windows to avoid from a backdoor or malware made by hackers. You can use it without validation. You just have to see a message to validate your Windows and your settings can't be saved.

Just download an iso file from the website of Microsoft and make a USB drive for installation of Windows by using Rufus. You can use KMSpico or Microsoft Toolkit to validate your Windows illegally, but it can contain malware.

Encrypt your C drive with VeraCrypt. Don't encrypt the whole D drive and just make an encrypted file container and put important files into the encrypted volume. You can use BitLocker but VeraCrypt is better for our purpose because it supports many operating systems and we use Linux and Windows.

If you don't want to make a Rescue Disk, check the checkbox "Skip Rescue Disk verification" when you're at the step of "Rescue Disk" of the process of encryption of C: drive.

And install Ubuntu. Divide your Linux partitions manually, and encrypt your whole Ubuntu partitions.

And then install Tails on your USB memory stick or micro SD card. You can buy a micro SD card reader (USB 3.0) at $ 1 dollar online. An SD card is easier than USB drive to hide or destroy when policemen raid your home.

External HDD

Encrypt your 2.5 inch HDD With VeraCrypt. A 2.5 inch HDD doesn't need external power, if you use an SATA to USB 3.0 adapter. This type adapters usually are just $ 10 dollars. 3.5 inch HDDs are usually don't work with USB power, and they need external power.

When you make a container with VeraCrypt, you'd better do it with NTFS. You can't store files bigger than 4 GB if you format it with FAT. And you use VeraCrypt for Windows for formatting because VeraCrypt for Linux doesn't supprot NTFS. It only supports ext4.

Don't encrypt the whole hard disk drive and make encrypted file containers at least two. If you format your HDD with NTFS, it'll be easy to share your files between Linux and Windows. Put unimportant files into non-encrypted space. Put slightly important files into an encrypted volume with a simple password. And pupit very important files into an encrypted volume with a very complex and difficult passphrase.

It makes your external HDD to look less suspicious to the police than a FDE (full disk encryption). And you can get an extra plausible deniability. Lawyers such as Saul Goodman also use a term proof beyond a reasonable doubt or reasonable doubt.

Using OSes for different purposes

You can use Windows for online lectures, online banking, and games. You can make another account to prepare for when your friend or family member ask you to borrow your laptop to them. Anyway, it's okay because you don't do anything illegal on your Windows.

And downloading child porns and watching CP and buying drugs by using your Ubuntu wholly encrypted.

Save CP in your external HDD wholly encrypted.

Uploading CP and selling drugs have been done by using Tails.

Tor Browser: Safest

The default settings of Tor Browser's "Security Settings" is "Standard". You have to change it to "Safest".

  • Standard

All Tor Browser and website features are enabled.

  • Safer

Disables website features that are often dangerous, causing some sites to lose functionality.

JavaScript is disabled on non-HTTPS sites.

Some fonts and math symbols are disabled.

Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play.

  • Safest

Only allows website features required for static sites and basic services. These changes affect images, media, and scripts.

JavaScript is disabled by default on all sites.

Some fonts, icons, math symbols, and images are disabled.

Audio and video (HTML5 media), and WebGL are click-to-play.

Essential security measures

  1. You shouldn't ask and answer private information.
  2. Using NoScript. Now it's "Security Settings -> Safest".
  3. Encrypting your computer, smartphone, and tablet computer. Encryption conceals your traces in hard disk drives and flash memories. -> VeraCrypt for example

Perceived security compared to real security

Perception of security may be poorly mapped to measureable objective security. For example, the fear of earthquakes has been reported to be more common than the fear of slipping on the bathroom floor although the latter kills many more people than the former. Similarly, the perceived effectiveness of security measures is sometimes different from the actual security provided by those measures. The presence of security protections may even be taken for security itself. For example, two computer security programs could be interfering with each other and even cancelling each other's effect, while the owner believes s/he is getting double the protection.

Security theater is a critical term for deployment of measures primarily aimed at raising subjective security without a genuine or commensurate concern for the effects of that measure on objective security. For example, some consider the screening of airline passengers based on static databases to have been Security Theater and Computer Assisted Passenger Prescreening System to have created a decrease in objective security.

Perception of security can increase objective security when it affects or deters malicious behavior, as with visual signs of security protections, such as video surveillance, alarm systems in a home, or an anti-theft system in a car such as a vehicle tracking system or warning sign. Since some intruders will decide not to attempt to break into such areas or vehicles, there can actually be less damage to windows in addition to protection of valuable objects inside. Without such advertisement, an intruder might, for example, approach a car, break the window, and then flee in response to an alarm being triggered. Either way, perhaps the car itself and the objects inside aren't stolen, but with perceived security even the windows of the car have a lower chance of being damaged.

Recommended softwares and apps



I2P is a darknet software and open source software. https://geti2p.net/ko/download

  • I2PSnark: I2P's build-in BitTorrent similar software. It's not compatible with the traditional BitTorrent.


GPG encryption

Data security

  • BleachBit: Beyond simply deleting files, BleachBit includes advanced features such as shredding files to prevent recovery, wiping free disk space to hide traces of files deleted by other applications, and vacuuming Firefox to make it faster. Better than free, BleachBit is open source. It's designed for Linux and Windows systems. https://www.bleachbit.org/

Operating systems

Your operating system the most important layer in your security model. You should try to test and evaluate all OS's to find that perfect match between security and usability.


Linux is one of Unix-like operating systems.


  • Tails: Tails serves as a pre-configured out-of-box secure OS which can be easily loaded onto removable media. Its ease of use while still forcing a secure protocol makes this OS a great contender. It's based on Debian. All its outgoing connections are forced to go through Tor, and non-anonymous connections are blocked. https://tails.boum.org/
  • Whonix: As with Tails, Whonix forces all communication through the Tor network. However, Whonix uses VirtualBox to usd a VM to ensure isolation of the user from the network. As such, it is a little more complex to setup and maintain. Nonetheless, Whonix serves as a viable alternative to the Tails OS for any user who wishes to keep a persistent OS on disk. It's based on Debian. https://www.whonix.org/

  • Kali Linux: While not geared towards being out of the box secure, Kali is a powerful tool to exploit network vulnerabilities. This OS comes prepackaged with tools to collect and analyze data in your network as well as having software for anti-forensics. If you have ever wanted to know how secure your system/network is - bombard it with Kali. Kali Linux is the new generation of the industry-leading BackTrack Linux penetration testing and security auditing Linux distribution. Kali Linux is a complete re-build of BackTrack from the ground up, adhering completely to Debian development standards. https://www.kali.org/

Red Hat


BSD is one of Unix-like operating systems.

Virtual machines

  • VirtualBox: Open source, free as in beer, and compatible with all major OS's there is no doubt that VirtualBox holds the number one spot in consumer VM's. Its robustness and maturity makes it the go to choice for any one who wishes to host a different OS virtually. https://www.virtualbox.org/

VMware Workstation Player is a free to use VM suite that allows you to host any OS on top of your Windows or Linux machine. https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/free#desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_workstation_player/14_0

VMware Fusion claims flawless integration with your macOS machine and will allow you to host any OS on top. https://my.vmware.com/web/vmware/info/slug/desktop_end_user_computing/vmware_fusion/10_0

Free antivirus software

Choose a free antivirus software based on where you live and what is your nationality. Don't choose your own country's software lest agencies trace you.

See also