Assembly Programming Tutorial

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Assembly language is a low-level programming language for a computer or other programmable device specific to a particular computer architecture in contrast to most high-level programming languages, which are generally portable across multiple systems. Assembly language is converted into executable machine code by a utility program referred to as an assembler like NASM, MASM, etc.

  • Audience

This tutorial has been designed for those who want to learn the basics of assembly programming from scratch. This tutorial will give you enough understanding on assembly programming from where you can take yourself to higher levels of expertise.

  • Prerequisites

Before proceeding with this tutorial, you should have a basic understanding of Computer Programming terminologies. A basic understanding of any of the programming languages will help you in understanding the Assembly programming concepts and move fast on the learning track.

Almost all source codes in this page were tested on Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit.

Charles Petzold's "Code" is a recommended book. You can find pdf files of the book on Google. Just search "charles petzold code pdf" on Google.

See C language and C++.

See Assembly Programming Tutorial 2.


Visit to see six tables and a figure.

What is Assembly Language?

Each personal computer has a microprocessor that manages the computer's arithmetical, logical, and control activities.

Each family of processors has its own set of instructions for handling various operations such as getting input from keyboard, displaying information on screen and performing various other jobs. These set of instructions are called 'machine language instructions'.

A processor understands only machine language instructions, which are strings of 1's and 0's. However, machine language is too obscure and complex for using in software development. So, the low-level assembly language is designed for a specific family of processors that represents various instructions in symbolic code and a more understandable form.

Advantages of Assembly Language

Having an understanding of assembly language makes one aware of −

  • How programs interface with OS, processor, and BIOS;
  • How data is represented in memory and other external devices;
  • How the processor accesses and executes instruction;
  • How instructions access and process data;
  • How a program accesses external devices.

Other advantages of using assembly language are −

  • It requires less memory and execution time;
  • It allows hardware-specific complex jobs in an easier way;
  • It is suitable for time-critical jobs;
  • It is most suitable for writing interrupt service routines and other memory resident programs.

Basic Features of PC Hardware

The main internal hardware of a PC consists of processor, memory, and registers. Registers are processor components that hold data and address. To execute a program, the system copies it from the external device into the internal memory. The processor executes the program instructions.

The fundamental unit of computer storage is a bit; it could be ON (1) or OFF (0) and a group of 8 related bits makes a byte on most of the modern computers.

So, the parity bit is used to make the number of bits in a byte odd. If the parity is even, the system assumes that there had been a parity error (though rare), which might have been caused due to hardware fault or electrical disturbance.

The processor supports the following data sizes −

  • Word: a 2-byte data item
  • Doubleword: a 4-byte (32 bit) data item
  • Quadword: an 8-byte (64 bit) data item
  • Paragraph: a 16-byte (128 bit) area
  • Kilobyte: 1024 bytes
  • Megabyte: 1,048,576 bytes

Binary Number System

Every number system uses positional notation, i.e., each position in which a digit is written has a different positional value. Each position is power of the base, which is 2 for binary number system, and these powers begin at 0 and increase by 1.

The following table shows the positional values for an 8-bit binary number, where all bits are set ON.


The value of a binary number is based on the presence of 1 bits and their positional value. So, the value of a given binary number is −

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 +16 + 32 + 64 + 128 = 255

which is same as 28 - 1.

Hexadecimal Number System

Hexadecimal number system uses base 16. The digits in this system range from 0 to 15. By convention, the letters A through F is used to represent the hexadecimal digits corresponding to decimal values 10 through 15.

Hexadecimal numbers in computing is used for abbreviating lengthy binary representations. Basically, hexadecimal number system represents a binary data by dividing each byte in half and expressing the value of each half-byte. The following table provides the decimal, binary, and hexadecimal equivalents −


To convert a binary number to its hexadecimal equivalent, break it into groups of 4 consecutive groups each, starting from the right, and write those groups over the corresponding digits of the hexadecimal number.

Example − Binary number 1000 1100 1101 0001 is equivalent to hexadecimal - 8CD1

To convert a hexadecimal number to binary, just write each hexadecimal digit into its 4-digit binary equivalent.

Example − Hexadecimal number FAD8 is equivalent to binary - 1111 1010 1101 1000

Binary Arithmetic

The following table illustrates four simple rules for binary addition −


Rules (iii) and (iv) show a carry of a 1-bit into the next left position.



A negative binary value is expressed in two's complement notation. According to this rule, to convert a binary number to its negative value is to reverse its bit values and add 1.



To subtract one value from another, convert the number being subtracted to two's complement format and add the numbers.


Subtract 42 from 53


Overflow of the last 1 bit is lost.

Addressing Data in Memory

The process through which the processor controls the execution of instructions is referred as the fetch-decode-execute cycle or the execution cycle. It consists of three continuous steps −

  • Fetching the instruction from memory
  • Decoding or identifying the instruction
  • Executing the instruction

The processor may access one or more bytes of memory at a time. Let us consider a hexadecimal number 0725H. This number will require two bytes of memory. The high-order byte or most significant byte is 07 and the low-order byte is 25.

The processor stores data in reverse-byte sequence, i.e., a low-order byte is stored in a low memory address and a high-order byte in high memory address. So, if the processor brings the value 0725H from register to memory, it will transfer 25 first to the lower memory address and 07 to the next memory address.


x: memory address

When the processor gets the numeric data from memory to register, it again reverses the bytes. There are two kinds of memory addresses −

  • Absolute address - a direct reference of specific location.
  • Segment address (or offset) - starting address of a memory segment with the offset value.

Environment setup

Local Environment Setup

Assembly language is dependent upon the instruction set and the architecture of the processor. In this tutorial, we focus on Intel-32 processors like Pentium. (But I'll substitute some codes and commands with new ones for 64-bit.) To follow this tutorial, you will need −

  • An IBM PC or any equivalent compatible computer
  • A copy of Linux operating system
  • A copy of NASM assembler program

There are many good assembler programs, such as −

  • Microsoft Assembler (MASM)
  • Borland Turbo Assembler (TASM)
  • The GNU assembler (GAS)

We will use the NASM assembler, as it is −

  • Free. You can download it from various web sources.
  • Well documented and you will get lots of information on net.
  • Could be used on both Linux and Windows.

Installing NASM

Open Ubuntu Linux's terminal and enter the below command.

sudo apt install nasm

You can ignore this paragraph except above this sentence.

If you select "Development Tools" while installing Linux, you may get NASM installed along with the Linux operating system and you do not need to download and install it separately. For checking whether you already have NASM installed, take the following steps −

  • Type whereis nasm and press ENTER.
  • If it is already installed, then a line like, nasm: /usr/bin/nasm appears. Otherwise, you will see just nasm:, then you need to install NASM.

To install NASM, take the following steps −

  • Download the Linux source archive "nasm-X.XX.ta.gz", where X.XX is the NASM version number in the archive.
  • Unpack the archive into a directory which creates a subdirectory "nasm-X.XX".
  • cd to "nasm-X.XX" and type ./configure. This shell script will find the best C compiler to use and set up Makefiles accordingly.
  • Type make to build the nasm and ndisasm binaries.
  • Type make install to install nasm and ndisasm in /usr/local/bin and to install the man pages.

This should install NASM on your system. Alternatively, you can use an RPM distribution for the Fedora Linux. This version is simpler to install, just double-click the RPM file.

Text editor

You can use VSCodium or gedit or anything to edit your source codes.

Basic syntax

Assembly language uses a mnemonic to represent each low-level machine instruction or opcode, typically also each architectural register, flag, etc. Many operations require one or more operands in order to form a complete instruction. Most assemblers permit named constants, registers, and labels for program and memory locations, and can calculate expressions for operands. Thus, the programmers are freed from tedious repetitive calculations and assembler programs are much more readable than machine code. Depending on the architecture, these elements may also be combined for specific instructions or addressing modes using offsets or other data as well as fixed addresses. Many assemblers offer additional mechanisms to facilitate program development, to control the assembly process, and to aid debugging.

An assembly program can be divided into three sections −

  • The data section,
  • The bss section, and
  • The text section.

Printing something on a screen

section    .text
global    _start
    mov    edx, len
    mov    ecx,msg
    mov    ebx,1
    mov    eax,4
    int    0x80
    mov    eax,1
    int    0x80
section    .data
msg    db 'daughter sex', 0xa
len    equ $ - msg

Open a terminal and type the below commands.

nasm -f elf64 daughter.asm

assemble the program

ld -s -o incest daughter.o

link the object file nasm produced into an executable file


incest is an executable file


daughter sex

The data section

The data section is used for declaring initialized data or constants. This data does not change at runtime. You can declare various constant values, file names, or buffer size, etc., in this section.

The syntax for declaring data section is −

The bss section

The bss section is used for declaring variables. The syntax for declaring bss section is −


The text section

The text section is used for keeping the actual code. This section must begin with the declaration global _start, which tells the kernel where the program execution begins.

The syntax for declaring text section is −

   global _start


Assembly language comment begins with a semicolon (;). It may contain any printable character including blank. It can appear on a line by itself, like −

; This program displays a message on screen

or, on the same line along with an instruction, like −

add eax, ebx     ; adds ebx to eax

Assembly Language Statements

Assembly language programs consist of three types of statements −

  • Executable instructions or instructions,
  • Assembler directives or pseudo-ops, and
  • Macros.

The executable instructions or simply instructions tell the processor what to do. Each instruction consists of an operation code (opcode). Each executable instruction generates one machine language instruction.

The assembler directives or pseudo-ops tell the assembler about the various aspects of the assembly process. These are non-executable and do not generate machine language instructions.

Macros are basically a text substitution mechanism.

Syntax of Assembly Language Statements

Assembly language statements are entered one statement per line. Each statement follows the following format −

[label]   mnemonic   [operands]   [;comment]

The fields in the square brackets are optional. A basic instruction has two parts, the first one is the name of the instruction (or the mnemonic), which is to be executed, and the second are the operands or the parameters of the command.

Following are some examples of typical assembly language statements −

INC COUNT        ; Increment the memory variable COUNT
MOV TOTAL, 48    ; Transfer the value 48 in the 
                 ; memory variable TOTAL
ADD AH, BH       ; Add the content of the 
                 ; BH register into the AH register
AND MASK1, 128   ; Perform AND operation on the 
                 ; variable MASK1 and 128
ADD MARKS, 10    ; Add 10 to the variable MARKS
MOV AL, 10       ; Transfer the value 10 to the AL register

The Hello World Program in Assembly

The following assembly language code displays the string 'Rape son!' on the screen −

section .text
    global _start    ;must be declared for linker (ld)

_start:        ;tells linker entry point
    mov edx,len    ;message length
    mov ecx,msg    ;message to write
    mov ebx,1    ;file descriptor (stdout)
    mov eax,4    ;system call number (sys_write)
    int 0x80    ;call kernel

    mov eax,1    ;system call number (sys_exit)
    int 0x80    ;call kernel

section .data
msg db 'Rape son!', 0xa    ;string to be printed
len equ $ - msg    ;length of the string

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

Rape son!

Compiling and Linking an Assembly Program in NASM

Make sure you have set the path of nasm and ld binaries in your PATH environment variable. Now, take the following steps for compiling and linking the above program −

  • Type the above code using a text editor and save it as son.asm.
  • Make sure that you are in the same directory as where you saved son.asm.
  • To assemble the program, type nasm -f elf son.asm
  • If there is any error, you will be prompted about that at this stage. Otherwise, an object file of your program named son.o will be created.
  • To link the object file and create an executable file named fuckson, type ld -m elf_i386 -s -o fuckson son.o
  • Execute the program by typing ./fuckson

If you have done everything correctly, it will display 'Rape son!' on the screen.

Memory segments

We have already discussed the three sections of an assembly program. These sections represent various memory segments as well.

Interestingly, if you replace the section keyword with segment, you will get the same result. Try the following code −

segment .text    ;code segment
    global _start    ;must be declared for linker

_start:    ;tell linker entry point
    mov edx,len    ;message length
    mov ecx,msg    ;message to write
    mov ebx,1    ;file descriptor (stdout)
    mov eax,4    ;system call nember (sys_write)
    int 0x80    ;call kernel

    mov eax,1    ;system call number (sys_exit)
    int 0x80    ;call kernel

segment .data    ;data segment
msg    db 'I raped mom!',0xa    ;our dear string
len    equ    $ - msg    ;length of our dear string

When the above code is compiled and executed, it produces the following result −

I raped mom!

Memory Segments

A segmented memory model divides the system memory into groups of independent segments referenced by pointers located in the segment registers. Each segment is used to contain a specific type of data. One segment is used to contain instruction codes, another segment stores the data elements, and a third segment keeps the program stack.

In the light of the above discussion, we can specify various memory segments as −

  • Data segment − It is represented by .data section and the .bss. The .data section is used to declare the memory region, where data elements are stored for the program. This section cannot be expanded after the data elements are declared, and it remains static throughout the program.
The .bss section is also a static memory section that contains buffers for data to be declared later in the program. This buffer memory is zero-filled.
  • Code segment − It is represented by .text section. This defines an area in memory that stores the instruction codes. This is also a fixed area.
  • Stack − This segment contains data values passed to functions and procedures within the program.


Visit to see three figures and one table.

Processor operations mostly involve processing data. This data can be stored in memory and accessed from thereon. However, reading data from and storing data into memory slows down the processor, as it involves complicated processes of sending the data request across the control bus and into the memory storage unit and getting the data through the same channel.

To speed up the processor operations, the processor includes some internal memory storage locations, called registers.

The registers store data elements for processing without having to access the memory. A limited number of registers are built into the processor chip.

Processor Registers

There are ten 32-bit and six 16-bit processor registers in IA-32 architecture. The registers are grouped into three categories −

  • General registers,
  • Control registers, and
  • Segment registers.

The general registers are further divided into the following groups −

  • Data registers,
  • Pointer registers, and
  • Index registers.

Data Registers

Four 32-bit data registers are used for arithmetic, logical, and other operations. These 32-bit registers can be used in three ways −

  • As complete 32-bit data registers: EAX, EBX, ECX, EDX.
  • Lower halves of the 32-bit registers can be used as four 16-bit data registers: AX, BX, CX and DX.
  • Lower and higher halves of the above-mentioned four 16-bit registers can be used as eight 8-bit data registers: AH, AL, BH, BL, CH, CL, DH, and DL.


Some of these data registers have specific use in arithmetical operations.

AX is the primary accumulator; it is used in input/output and most arithmetic instructions. For example, in multiplication operation, one operand is stored in EAX or AX or AL register according to the size of the operand.

BX is known as the base register, as it could be used in indexed addressing.

CX is known as the count register, as the ECX, CX registers store the loop count in iterative operations.

DX is known as the data register. It is also used in input/output operations. It is also used with AX register along with DX for multiply and divide operations involving large values.

Pointer Registers

The pointer registers are 32-bit EIP, ESP, and EBP registers and corresponding 16-bit right portions IP, SP, and BP. There are three categories of pointer registers −

  • Instruction Pointer (IP) − The 16-bit IP register stores the offset address of the next instruction to be executed. IP in association with the CS register (as CS:IP) gives the complete address of the current instruction in the code segment.
  • Stack Pointer (SP) − The 16-bit SP register provides the offset value within the program stack. SP in association with the SS register (SS:SP) refers to be current position of data or address within the program stack.
  • Base Pointer (BP) − The 16-bit BP register mainly helps in referencing the parameter variables passed to a subroutine. The address in SS register is combined with the offset in BP to get the location of the parameter. BP can also be combined with DI and SI as base register for special addressing.


Index Registers

System calls

Addressing modes



Arithmetic instructions

See also

External links