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Ubuntu is a distribution of Debian Linux. Ubuntu Linux is one of the most commonly used Linuxes.

Hot to mount an external H.D.D.

Maybe, you use an external H.D.D. with VeraCrypt.

Mostly, Linux can recognize external HDDs automatically so you don't need to do something. However, sometimes it doesn't work. When it comes to that, you need to connect it into Linux manually.

Open a terminal and type the below command.

ls /dev/ | grep sd

I could see only sda, sda1, sda2, sda3, and so on.

Next, connect your external HDD, and then type the below command.

sudo fdisk -l

Now, I could see sdb, sdb1, sdb2. It means that your external HDD is "sdb".

You can see your external HDD's information. "sdb2" is the biggest partition, so I can know it is the partition I should mount on my computer.

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb2 /mnt

The above command means that your external HDD will be mount on your /mnt directory. You can mount it on another place. For instance, you can make "ext-hdd" folder on you home directory and mount "sdb2" on it like the beneath command.

sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb2 ~/ext-hdd

If you formatted your external HDD FAT instead of NTFS you should replace "ntfs-3g" with "vfat".

Unmount command:

sudo umount /mnt


sudo umount ~/ext-hdd

If the folder is being used, you'll see an error message "umount: /mnt: target is busy." and can't unmount it. Then exit File Manager and exit /mnt directory if you are in the directory on the command line terminal. And then the "umount" command may be going to work. If it doesn't work, kill the processes that use the directory.

  • Ubuntu doesn't “see” external USB Hard Disk



Change a passphrase of LUKS

Type the below command on your terminal.

df -h

For example,

/dev/sda6 /boot/efi
/dev/sda7 /boot
/dev/mapper/sda8_crypt /

then your encrypted partition is sda8.

Change your LUKS passphrase with the below command.

sudo cryptsetup luksChangeKey /dev/sda8

Touchpad setting

Settings -> Devices -> Mouse & Touchpad

There are two options for a scrolling function of a touchpad.

  • Two-finger Scrolling: If you touch the touchpad with two fingers, you can scroll the page vertically or horizontally.
  • Edge Scrolling: You can scroll the page vertically or horizontally when you touch the right edge or bottom edge or the touchpad.

I think the two-finger scrolling is better than the edge scrolling.

File compression with a password

Just install "P7Zip - Desktop".

See also