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캌.li (Cock.li, 캌.리, Cock.리): 이메일 호스팅




Tor v3 주소가 v2 주소보다 안전하니까 웬만하면 v3 써라.

  • Anonymous 02/21/19 (Thu) 16:29:20 No.1033691

The traffic between a hidden service and a client is end to end encrypted. Client validates the encryption handshake by hidden service's .onion address, which is a hashed and then shortened form of hidden service's private key.

Version 3 hidden services are more private and secure than v2 ones as a result of upgraded encryption algorithms and changing how they announce themselves to hidden directory servers (HSDirs). Some websites may mix clearnet and .onion connections (8chan for example) therefore nullifying any privacy and security advantage its hidden service might offer.

For comparison, here are cock.li's hidden service addresses:

version 2: http://cockmailwwfvrtqj.onion/

version 3: http://xdkriz6cn2avvcr2vks5lvvtmfojz2ohjzj4fhyuka55mvljeso2ztqd.onion/
