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[[i2pd]] ([[I2P Daemon]]) is a full-featured [[C++]] implementation of [[I2P]] client.

[[i2pd]] ([[I2P Daemon]]) is a full-featured C++ implementation of [[I2P]] client.

== Installing ==
=== Ubuntu ===
You can install binary packages from the latest release page.
Alternatively, you can use PPA repository or repository provided below, run by PurpleI2P community member R4SAS.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:purplei2p/i2pd
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install i2pd
== How to install I2Pd - tutorial for Debian/Ubuntu ==
How to install I2Pd - tutorial for Debian/Ubuntu
I2P – a network with a focus on the anonymity of intranet resources and this differs from the network TOR, because TOR has a focus not on the anonymity of intranet resources, but create secure access to the Internet. Knowing about these two features, people can very much effective working in two networks.
In I2P, you can do many different things: visit and create site, forum and trading platforms, accept and sent crypto email, chitchat and download torrent-file and more and more. Program I2Pd is an client i2p only, and purple i2p is able to serve more services.
However, you must remember – I2Pd help you reach anonymity, but anonymity depends on you. From your actions taken by the network and beyond, configuration of the equipment and work programs. It’s tutorial help you tune i2pd and get started working in I2P.
Build I2Pd for Debian/Ubuntu is very easy. To start, you’ll need to download few packages. Open your terminal and write:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
After that, download libraries:
sudo apt-get install
Install packages to work with git projects:
sudo apt-get install git
And install cmake:
sudo apt-get install cmake
Copy the new image from github:
git clone https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd.git
Go to the folder:
cd i2pd/build
Start build:
cmake –DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
In case of success:
And finally:
sudo make install
The program will be in the same place, in folder “build” (it file “i2pd”). You can move it wherever you like. Start file:
If lines run on your screen, it means all OK and program works. This window must be open before the end of session with I2P. You can open new tab your terminal for continue work with terminal. Open any browser, which you have decided to dedicate to work with I2P. My recommendation – Mozilla Firefox or any other gecko-browser because of flexible of working settings. However, you can use the browser that you personally like.
Type in search-line this address: At this address, you can find web-console with statistics your work in the network. In console, you see different things, for example address folder with working file program. It can be /home/USERNAME/.i2pd or /root/.i2pd . For next tune, move in this folder.
In this folder, you will need two file. If they ware NOT CREATE yet, create them. First file – file subscribed. It contains addresses through which i2pd will be update available you have a list of websites with network-wide. Name first file: subscriptions.txt
The second file is very interesting – it’s tunnel’s file. I2Pd is a virtual router, which can be connected via a plurality of ports. So, we can customize our programs and services in the computer to work with programs and services network. Each tunnel adheres to the same structure:
[IRC] – it name tunnel, only you decide what there will be written.
type=client – that you tell whether we are connected to the server in intro network or vice versa are yourself services.
port=000 – name of the port on the router. Please note that your ports are set to the same as the name of, and may be what some other, you can try change them.
destination=name.service.i2p – name service, with whom you are going to interact.
keys=key.dat – address with keys, that you need to work confidential elect service. Sometimes you can use the same key file, for example, for work with mail-service postman.i2p (you can see it below).
Name second file: tunnels.cfg Content (as an example, we have set up IRC-chat at the main server of the network, as well as sending and receiving email at one of the main post resources):

You can also download both files ready in the archive at http://rghost.net/8QxX5gTf2 (link will work for 90 days from last view). They just unzip in the directory specified by us above. Make sure that the files have the same content as the above, having opened them in any text editor or a processor. Save and tune both files. Please note, after changes of the files, you need to restart i2pd (command pkill i2pd) in order to changes to take effect. Return to the browser windows. Change proxy and port 4446, it very easy make for any browser use this tutorial: http://www.wikihow.com/Change-Proxy-Settings . All right, now you can visit to site in network I2P! For search site in i2p use epsilon.i2p or search.i2p. For adding base64 link to you addressbook use inr.i2p (base64-link will be add automatically).
And remember:
Run for the first time, I2Pd spend some time getting to know the various network nodes (may be some hours), before collect enough data to work sites (according to subscriptions.txt).
To ensure the security i2p constantly paves the various tunnels from you and to the desired resource. Tunnels creation requires some time, which may cause delays in the opening of sites. Therefore, if site is not opened, reload page.
Some sites keep the same people as you. Be tolerant, if resources not opened! It is possible that the openable site not located on powerful server, but at exactly the same computer as yours, and may not always enabled. More instructions on how to work network you can find here: https://i2pd.readthedocs.org/en/latest .
Okay, all right. While people use the network not very much, so not very much resources. Because the network is primarily built by those who want free of charge to make life better. Developers i2pd are also completely free of charge. With them you can talk on the channel #i2pd-dev via your IRC-program (X-Chat or other). They do everything to make you more convenient to use i2p and hope that users will also help make the web more interesting and better. With you I2P become richer, we are sure. Good luck with using I2P!
== Running i2pd ==
=== Starting, stopping and reloading configuration ===
This chapter explains how to start and manage the i2pd daemon under *nix operation systems.
After you have built i2pd from source, just run the binary:
To display all available options:
./i2pd --help
i2pd can be controlled with signals. The process ID by is written to the file "~/.i2pd/i2pd.pid" or "/var/run/i2pd/i2pd.pid" by default. You can use "kill" utility to send signals like this:
kill -INT $( cat /var/run/i2pd/i2pd.pid )
i2pd supports the following signals:
* INT - Graceful shutdown. i2pd will wait for up to 10 minutes and stop. Send a second INT signal to shutdown i2pd immediately.
* HUP - Reload configuration files.
==== systemd unit ====
Some i2pd packages come with a systemd control unit, and for those that use systemd, it is possible to manage i2pd with it.
To start/stop i2pd:
sudo systemctl start i2pd.service
sudo systemctl stop i2pd.service --no-block
The stop command initiates a graceful shutdown process, i2pd stops after finishing to route transit tunnels (maximum 10 minutes).
To enable/disable autostart of i2pd upon bootup:
sudo systemctl enable i2pd.service
sudo systemctl disable i2pd.service
=== Recommended way to run i2pd built from source ===
The following commands display the recommended way to run i2pd built from source, without a package manager. Installing i2pd this way will ensure all i2pd-related files are stored at "$HOME/dist".
mkdir $HOME/dist
cp i2pd $HOME/dist
cp -R contrib/certificates $HOME/dist
cp contrib/i2pd.conf $HOME/dist
cd $HOME/dist
ulimit -n 4096  # only on Linux, increasing open file limit
Then, to run i2pd, simply travel to the installation directory and type:
./i2pd --datadir .

== See also ==
== See also ==
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* [[Tor]] ([[Tor (anonymity network)]])
* [[Tor]] ([[Tor (anonymity network)]])
* [[Tor2web]]
* [[Tor2web]]
* [[Windows]]
* [[VeraCrypt]]
* [[VeraCrypt]]